Let’s Work Together

If you are interested in joining our team, please provide answers to the following questions by sending a quick message with Instagram or Facebook:

  • What country are you located in?

  • What is your school’s full name?

  • What grade are you in?

  • Do you speak Mandarin? If so, how fluent are you?

  • Will you be interested in becoming a coordinator? (Coordinators are in charge of gathering more volunteers from their own school. We will give you more information once you indicate your interest.)


Make a donation

Donations help keep our program running and expand into new areas. Here’s how you can make an impact:

Donate Hardware:

  • Computers, laptops, and tablets

  • Headsets

Financial Support:

  • One-time donation

  • Monthly contribution

Please contact us through Facebook or Instagram if you are interested in donating.