Founder & President
Ling King
An out and out sugarholic with a peculiar obsession with lemons, currently in an addictive relationship with chocolate lava cake (plus the vanilla ice cream, of course).
Sure, it’s not far off to call me a weirdo, but that didn’t stop me from founding Beyond Horizon Youth Volunteers. I have always been drawn to all kinds of matters related to fairness (comes from being a younger sibling, I guess).“Not fair!” was one of the first phrases I blurted out as a babbling toddler. Soon enough, what started as an obsession towards absolute equality with my brother grew into a drive to help others.
As we gathered more and more volunteers and gained increasing momentum, Beyond Horizon is now an embodiment of a collective effort to bring better opportunities to children in rural Taiwan.
Executive Secretaries
Vanilla Chang
I have studied in Kang Chiao for many years. Being an introvert secretly, I had been an extrovert outside my home. When I'm tired, I will close my eyes and immerse myself in music, especially pop or indie pop. Due to the numerous news of coronavirus, I realized the gap in english abilities between students. I devote myself to this program and try to narrow the educational inequality in Taiwan.
Jane Wu
Hi! I’m Jane, the secretary of Beyond Horizon Youth Volunteers. I joined Beyond Horizon because I realized that I can utilize my English ability to help children from rural areas to learn a skill that would benefit them in the future. After a year of English tutoring, rather than a teacher-student relationship, we became more like friends to each other and I felt pleased seeing their improvement and growing passion in learning English!
Nicole Chang
Hi everyone! I’m Nicole. I joined this group in tenth grade because my friend invited me. After 2 years of teaching the children online. To me, besides becoming a better teacher; my student’s passion to learn English had taught me more than I give them - to cherish for what you have. I am grateful to have this opportunity to help kids who want to learn and improve their English. In the future, I hope to use my abilities to bring more changes to more children.
Amanda Hsieh
My name is Amanda. Fun fact: I’ve listened to Camila Cabello’s new song 17 times today, and I love it. Another fun fact: all my friends think I look like a capybara. Anyways, that’s completely random and irrelevant to Beyond Horizon. So back to the topic. Being part of the family made me realize the importance of responsibility, and it’s also probably one of the most meaningful thing I’ve done so far in my high school life. Tackling educational inequality is difficult, but the only impossible journey is the one that never begins.
Volunteer Coordinators
Eliza Wang (WGHS)
Amateur writer/youth mental health activist/ lover of all things chocolate/ sucker for Post-apocalyptic TV shows.
Yup, that’s me, a 17-year-old girl trying to live a life chasing dreams.
If saying Beyond Horizon is a second home would be way too cringey, allow me to say it’s a mutual commitment shared by each and every one of us. Together, we enact change in educational inequity.
Amy Gu (YK Pao)
Hi, my name is Amy, and I came from Shanghai, China. I'm interested in playing soccer, guitar, long board, sign languages, and musicals. I like Biology and Geography very much as well.
The primer wishes of me joining BH is that I wanted to help others as much as I can. I believe that this is the meaning of life.
Cooper Chi (KSHS)
I’m a 16 year old IB/DP student who likes to spend time at home playing video games more than going outdoors.
I joined Beyond Horizon partly because I love kids and partly because I wanted my classmates to also participate in this interesting activity. At the same time, I look forward to future developments of the Beyond Horizon project.
Nicholas Su (Wellington)
Hi everyone! I'm the volunteer coordinator for Wellington College International Shanghai! I enjoy teaching people: shout-out to my lovely students! (You too grandma!)
I decided to join BH tutoring after a summer of teaching English in a cram school back in Taipei. I witnessed the lack of resources available and the stressful preparation for standardised testing that seemed to take a toll on the student's mental health. That year I decided to join BH to provide rural students a chance to have an understanding mentor as well as a teacher for English.
Ray Huang (KCIS)
Student of Kang Chiao High School, major subjects are mathematics and chemistry.
The reason I want to join is to reduce the urban-rural gap and give everyone the same opportunity.
Amanda Lin (KCIS)
Love music, love to follow up with international affairs, love to watch movie series and stories.
Accidentally joined BH, but by continuing teaching, I found my passion in it and learned a lot from the kids as well
Miki Endo (KCIS)
Hi everyone, I am the coordinator of Kang Chiao volunteer group. I am glad that Beyond Horizon gave me the chance to communicate with teachers and students in various areas of Taiwan and to help students to understand the fun of learning English. At the same time, I also enjoy teaching and interacting with the student. I hope we can go "beyond" horizon in the future.
Annie Wu (PAS)
Hi y’all, I’m Annie from Pacific American School. I’m currently a junior and I’m the coordinator of our school. I participated in this volunteer group because I want to utilize my English ability to educate those who do not have the opportunity to learn English. Through this program, I hope we can help bridge rural-urban disparity and make society better as a whole.
Enzo Hsu (PAS)
Hi everyone, I'm Enzo from Pacific American School (PAS) and is honored to be of service to children from rural communities as part of this volunteer organization. Though I'm mostly preoccupied with school activities and extracurricular tasks, I still aspire to do my best in teaching rural children about English and its colloquial usage. I'd like to continue my efforts in this field and promote a more global awareness for Taiwan's youth.
Josephine Lee (FHJH)
Hi~ I'm a senior from Taipei Fuhsing Private School. It's my pleasure to join BH. Every week when I meet the lovely child, we discuss on various topics while learning English, and I really enjoy the time!
Michelle Widjaja (DC)
Hello! I am a 16-year-old student in Hong Kong working with BHYV in hopes of providing more educational support for schools!
Besides spending time volunteering and working as an intern, my favourite things to do during my spare time include: playing the guitar, drawing, watching animations, spending time with family and friends, or taking naps.